Grammar Grip
Grammar Grip (grammar_101) $99.00 |
View the Course Outline
Confused about "who" and "whom," "its" and "it's"? Avoiding antecedents instead of antiquated phrases? Using "weak wonders" instead of vigorous verbs and dangling modifiers instead of clear references?
Good grammar and clear communications are critical in speaking and writing. Refresh and improve your skills in grammar/usage and spelling through Writestyle's training course of simple rules and explanations, examples and exercises, quizzes and tips. There's no need to memorize complex, boring rules and terms that you, and no one else, will remember. Instead, this easily understandable, get-in-and-get-out presentation makes grammar so much easier to learn than it was when you were a kid. Spaced practice sessions solidify your newfound understanding of grammar. From clarification of usage such as "that" vs. "which" to the correct formation of plurals and possessives, Grammar Grip gives you what you need to know and lets you apply your knowledge immediately to speak and write correctly in professional and personal situations.
- Get a good grip on grammar and get to the point.
- Zap mistakes and misspellings from your correspondence.
- Become a better speller; give your dictionary a rest.
- Save valuable time.
- Ensure a first-rate first impression (in writing or in person).
- Boost your confidence and your clients' confidence in you.
Writestyle's pros are so good at grammar, their clients asked them to develop a course on the subject. U.S. and international students enjoy and appreciate the course. Writestyle’s associates and trainers are highly educated, experienced, and versatile; most are current or former educators and journalists.
Grammar Grip does not require students to purchase books. Everything that you need is provided in the course, including lists of most frequently misspelled words and the most confusing word pairs or groupings in grammar and homonyms. However, the course does suggest supplemental readings for those who may gain additional confidence from keeping a topnotch reference source at hand.
Grammar Grip Course Outline |
Lesson 1: Grammar in Life & Business
Correct grammar and usage are valuable in all that we do.
Lesson 2: Spelling
Spell your way to success. Understand the problems; practice the solutions.
Lesson 3: Grammar Review
These fundamental rules and examples are easy to understand, without the technical mumbo jumbo.
Lesson 4: Parallelism
Parallel sentence constructions are balanced, clear, and concise.
Lesson 5: Contractions
Understanding and remembering how contractions are formed can end your frustration in using apostrophes.
Lesson 6: Plurals & Possessives
This lesson will help you to form and punctuate plurals and possessives with ease.
Lesson 7: Verbs
Verb forms change to show person, number, tense, and voice. Learn to do it all more easily.
Lesson 8: Transitions
You CAN get to there from here.
Lesson 9: Dangling & Misplaced Modifiers
Don't leave your readers dangling. Put modifiers in their place.
Lesson 10: Elusive Terms
Don't be vague--tell your reader exactly what you're talking about.
Lesson 11: Homonyms
"Same" word, different meaning: Pronunciation and understanding are key.
Lesson 12: Gender-Neutral/Unbiased Language
Fair, appropriate references can bring harmony to interpersonal communications.
Lesson 13: Common Confusion
Correct pronunciation, purpose, and placement make the difference.
Lesson 14: Comprehensive Exam
Practice what you've learned and complete the course.
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