"Accuracy = Credibility!"™

Every document takes with it the reputation, credibility, and image of your company and your client. Prime examples are marketing materials such as business cards, brochures, fliers, press releases, advertisements, sales letters, and annual reports. But if your communications contain errors in pricing or incomplete information, you'll lose money on one account and fail to get another while spending a fortune in reprints, second mailings, and overtime. Such errors can cause customers or prospective customers to question your professionalism and their position on your priority list.

The facts are undeniable: Every document you produce affects whether you get the job or the customer account, your company's bottom line, and your personal future.

  • The job or business loan seeker: With a substandard resume or business plan, your chances are slim.
  • Non-profit organizations and foundations: For many years, we have been the go-to provider of top-of-the-line writing, editing, and proofreading to certain non-profits and foundations who rely on our familiarity with their styles and needs. That longtime trust and track record helps them in their continuing efforts to serve the less fortunate (for example), and we can do the same for you.
  • The physician or attorney: The quality and correctness of your documentation places you, your firm, and your client at stake: If your documents have not been edited or proofread by a professional, every error they contain could open your professionalism and reliability to question and possible extensive scrutiny and could risk possible exploitation by opposing counsel.
  • Internal company documents and Web site: Inappropriately phrased and incompletely written, edited, and proofread documents, such as employee handbooks and contracts, can leave loopholes that lead to lawsuits against your company or have uncorrected mistakes that can leave your company losing too much or paying too much in terms of money, time, materials, and more. Your company needs to be found easily and quickly online via a well-written, key-worded, and expertly edited Web site.
Any document that you hurry out the door without editing and proofreading will haunt you! Don't lose clients, time and money, and maybe your job, to carelessness! Instead, let our editors employ accurate damage control to assure the credibility and strength of your case and your bottom line. Please send (e-mail or USPS) several sample pages or your entire manuscript to us and Request A Quote. We'll respond with a time and an estimated or exact cost to perfect your project.

If your employees lack the necessary skills in grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, editing, proofreading, and more, they could be offending current or prospective customers and thus causing your company to lose business. Advancing employees' skills to the appropriate level should be a priority. Let Writestyle's ONLINE TRAINING courses make the difference for you.

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