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Welcome to proofreading, editing, grammar online training

Efficient, Effective Editing

Effective, Efficient Edting (editing_101) $99.00
View the Course Outline


The editor always must work with the intended reader and the writer in mind. He/she must correct or rework the writer’s copy while retaining the writer’s style and voice, and while employing proper tone, voice, tense, style, word choice, and more. This course’s aim is for you to become a better editor of words, sentences, paragraphs, and entire compositions by understanding the rules and employing our techniques, tips & tricks.


  • Understand how editing and proofreading differ, why we edit, the steps in the process, about editors and writers working together most effectively.
  • Use copyediting marks and the other tools of the trade.
  • Recognize problems in sentence and paragraph construction, grammar/usage, tone, voice, tense, style, word choice, and more.
  • Use style sheets and style guides and refresh your knowledge of grammar and punctuation.
  • Differentiate between and employ copyediting, substantive/developmental editing, technical editing, and Web site editing.
  • Learn to edit according to time and budget constraints, when and what to avoid editing, the most common editing errors, tips and tricks, and how to protect yourself in job markets.
  • Improve your editing skills and the writer’s words; edit better yet faster--ensuring a first-rate first impression and boosting both your confidence and your boss’s or clients’ confidence in you.


Clients and others have been so impressed by Writestyle’s editing skills and services, they suggested that Writestyle develop a course on the subject. This course is available worldwide for access at any hour of the day or night. Writestyle’s associates are highly educated, experienced, and versatile; most are current or former educators and journalists.


Effective, Efficient Editing does not require students to purchase books; all information that you need is included in the course. However, the course does suggest supplemental readings for those who may gain additional confidence from keeping a topnotch reference source at hand.

All editors should own a style manual of choice, such as The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual, The Chicago Manual of Style, The United States Government Printing Office Style Manual (GPO), the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Manual, and The Council of Biology Editors Style Manual. Writestyle’s recommendations appear within the course.

Effective, Efficient Editing
Course Outline

Lesson 1: Editing Basics
Editing vs. proofreading, and what it involves.

Lesson 2: Why Edit
A second set of eyes establishes credibility, clarity, conciseness, completeness, consistency, and other key elements of composition.

Lesson 3: Steps in the Process
Scope the project; 10 recommended steps; the 7 C’s; checklist.

Lesson 4: You, As Editor
Qualifications/values; production stages; editorial triage; copyeditors further defined; editorial policy/style; tools of the trade.

Lesson 5: Dealing With Writers
Anticipate and resolve sticky wickets. Glossary.

Lesson 6: Copyeditor’s Marks
Learn and use the most common marks; electronic editing.

Lesson 7: Style Sheets/Guides
Make consistent decisions on key style issues.

Lesson 8: Editing Overall Documents
Meet 4 key criteria, improve your spelling, and refresh your knowledge of grammar and punctuation.

Lesson 9: Editing Paragraphs & Sentences
How length, format, cadence, and composition affect comprehension; types of and key issues in sentences; paragraph hierarchy and functions.

Lesson 10: Substantive/Developmental Editing
Definition, elements, formats, authors & employers.

Lesson 11: Technical Editing
Definition, key points, peculiarities & differences; essential rules; common errors to catch.

Lesson 12: Editing Web Site Content
What to do, how and why to do it.

Lesson 13: The Most Common Editing Errors
What they are & where to find them.

Lesson 14: Tips & Tricks
How to meet & stay on track amid editorial challenges.

Lesson 15: Protect Yourself
How to survive in a tough job market, now & in the future.

Lesson 16: Final Exam
Three parts: true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blanks, answer the questions, and copyedit a passage. Graduate & succeed.

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